31 July 2006

Guess where I'm writing this blog from...

While on holiday, I have managed to find and use a reasonably good internet cafe.
And as Peter Kay calls it, it is actually called the "tinternet cafe". So I just had to come in a write a blog or something!
The weather isn't too bad here yet, little rain but some nice sunshine too. I've also taken some photos of the sky which I will use as my desktop :) One thing I have noticed is that it is really quiet here, it is almost silent!
I think the chalets here are much better than I've been to and stayed in before, and they are much better than those tight caravans I've experienced before.
To get on the beach you have to walk through an old valley that was built up since the last World War and also doubles as a sea defence. Lovely soft sand. I also stayed a little bit too long out in the sun yesterday and my skin is burning me today!!! So I've bought a nice safari hat which I hope doesn't blow away in the wind.
A nice touch is that I've seen loads of electrical windmills here, so that adds to my pleasure of the environment too :) However I have heard about a fire at a chicken farm so it sort of balances out I think!
Anyway I must go next door and get some lunch, and I must also care for my little ulcer on my lip which is killing me!
I hope everyone else is having a fantastic time on holiday or wherever you are!