25 January 2014

Updated: Google Chrome: Flags you should enable

To edit your flags, go to chrome://flags/

Here's a list of flags that I use and would recommend. This is as of Chrome 58 - if using a newer version, the "default-ness" of these may have changed (it isn't clear what it means by 'Default' sadly). This focuses on Windows ones only. I've ignored any flags that are to do with purely experimental HTML and Javascript elements because they probably aren't in common use, are unstable, or could be insecure.

Link here for non-embedded version.

Some recommended articles with more:

5 January 2014

Should you upgrade to the Nexus 5 from the Nexus 4?

  • No: bugs/issues with handset - resolved
  • No: battery may be worse due to higher cpu - seems ok
  • Yes: if don't upgrade, then current nexus 4 will lower in value. But, nexus 5 should become cheaper as well?
  • Yes: 32GB storage
  • No: cnet review http://m.cnet.com/reviews/google-nexus-5/35828372
  • Maybe: size is actually same as Samsung Galaxy s4, which doesn't seem too large
  • Yes: WiFi ac, LTE (though not supported fully in UK yet)
Overall review on deciding yes:

  • Considerably and noticeably faster
  • Possibly better battery, definitely charges faster
  • Much lighter - a feather compared to the Nexus 4 which feels like a brick
  • Sell the Nexus for the "remainder" of how much you bought it for, divided by 24 months (normal length of a phone contract) and minus how many month's you've already had it

Google Glass questions

  • What if everyone on the train had one, and was talking on it, you wouldn't be able to hear yourself?
  • Could anyone's voice work with it just by walking past you?
    • Voice control would have to be built in - but what about people who can imitate your voice?
  • Is it waterproof? For wearing in the rain?
  • How much does it compare to Sixth Sense?