10 September 2009

Windows Shortcuts

Some of these apply to Windows 7 only, and Vista only, although XP may pick them up too.

  1. Presentation options - Win Key + P
  2. Hide all but the active window (just like AeroShake) - Win Key + Home
  3. Navigate through taskbar items - Win Key + T
  4. Show desktop gadgets (bring to front) - Win Key + G
  5. Start Mobility Center - Win Key + X
  6. Select systray - Win Key + B
  7. Magnify desktop - Win Key + Plus Key; reduce magnification - Win Key + Minus Key
  8. Maximize current window - Win Key + Up; Restore/Minimize - Win Key + Down
  9. Dock window on the desktop side: select window and Win Key + Left/Right Key
  10. Window switch Win Key + Tab. Reverse switch order Win Key + Shift + Tab
  11. Switch to the first window on taskbar: Win Key + 1; second window Win Key + 2; etc.
  12. Preview desktop - Win Key + Space
  13. Add files to Aero Task Bar - Hold down the Shift key while dragging a file to an icon on the Taskbar
  14. Shift+right click on a file, Copy as Path
  15. Win Key + R - Starts Run Command
16. Win Key + D or Win Key + M - Minimize all to Desktop
17. Win Key + E - Opens My Computer
18. Win Key + F - Opens Search Window
19. Win Key + L - Locks the Computer -> good one